Most popular and regular passive electronic components: capacitors, resistors, chokes & coils, potentiometers, filters, quartzes and crystals, thermistors, varistors etc
Ceramic, Electrolytic, Film and paper capacitors includes Mica, Glass, Tantalum or Polycarbonate capacitors for most applications
Fixed Value Resistors: Resistor Networks and sets, Carbon Film Resistors, Metal Film Resistors, Wirewound Resistors, Metal Oxide and Metal Strip Resistors
Chokes and coils
Radio frequency chokes and coils, in-phase chokes and power coils
Different Types of Potentiometers: Linear, Rotary and Digital Potentiometers
Silicon carbide and metal oxide Varistors
EMI/EMC components
Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) and electromagnetic interference (EMI) components and accessories
NC thermistors
Micro- and thin-film FT-, Ultra-high-current AP-, high-sensitivity ET-, high-temperature CT- and SMD-type KT thermistors
Crystals and filters
Quartz piezo filters with monolithic crystals, quartz oscillators and resonators