Wide range of intellectual low-voltage and power semiconductor portfolios, including Diodes, ICs, IGBTs, Thyristors and Transistors for different application.
Universal diodes, Schottky diodes, stabilizing diodes, protection diodes, special diodes, diode modules, PHT and SMT, rack and cabinet mount diodes
Bridges Rectifiers
Diode bridges, 1-phase and 3-phase, for different current and voltage levels
Thyristors and Diode-thyristors different current and voltage levels
Triacs in different cases for wide range of current and voltage levels
Diacs for wide range of current and voltage levels
High-frequency, low-noise, high voltage or current power transistors for all applications in different cases
Integrated circuits
Wide range of the most popular analog and digital integrated circuits, operational amplifiers, comparators, controllers and processors, ADCs and DACs, memory chips and timers, counters and basic logic devices for various applications